The Whashton Parish Meeting Committee hopes that you are all well and looking forward to spring. Our first newsletter of the year has some information to keep you up to date with what’s going on in the parish.
Whashton Parish Website:
We have a new website We hope that you are finding it easy to navigate and that all residents can find their way around the site, and it is a one stop shop for information relating to the Parish. All newsletters, minutes and updates are available on there . You will notice the quarterly publication of the newsletters and the 4 meetings per year of the committee. Don’t forget Whashton Wildlife have a Facebook page for information too.
Meeting dates;
5th April 2023 – AGM – election of officers
21 June 2023 – AGAR – finance review for year
4th October 2023 – Finance plan for 2024
All meetings at Ravensworth Village Hall 7pm
Newsletters will be quarterly and sent via email and be on the website and hand delivered in some cases. Please check your SPAM box and ‘allow’ any emails in there from me, so you get all parish correspondence into your in box in future.
Newsletters to be released quarterly to include minutes;
Q1 Feb – Winter
Q2 May – Spring
Q3 August -Summer
Q4 November – Autumn
Social events – thanks to Chris Taylor for agreeing to host something in 2023 – details to be discussed and finalised – watch out for updates. Anyone else wishing to host an event, have suggestions please let us know.
100 Club update:
We still have some numbers available for purchase. You can join anytime during the year and just pay a proportional amount.
Anyone interested in purchasing a number for the monthly 100 club draw can do so by contacting:
Richard Osborne (
Richie Smith (
Sally Zaranko (
2023 winners of 100 club: - well done and thank you for supporting the parish!
January draw: 52 Matthew & Rachel Lawson, 25 Emma Smith, 46 Dirk Pittaway.
February Draw: 57 Stephen Braithwaite, 27 Adi Mac, 80 Graham and Hazel Dickinson
Time to get walking again!
With Spring on its way, we start to think about getting out to walk in the beautiful English countryside again, but where to find new and interesting walks?
Walking in Yorkshire has loads of walks to download and print, free, it also has books of walks, details of all the walking groups in the county and much more. Whether you want to walk on your own or with a group all the information is there in one place.
John Harris (who maintains (The Walking in Yorkshire Website) said ‘There is so much walking information on the web, but it is difficult to find. Walking in Yorkshire (part of the Walking in England website) has brought it together in one place so whether you are walking from home, or away on holiday, you will be able to find a walk suitable for you’.
With walks from half a mile to twelve miles plus long, and a note of suitability for pushchairs and wheelchairs, everyone can find a walk to enjoy.
So home or away, check out the websites and get walking!
John Harris
Whashton Parish -Carbon Net Zero and Biodiversity Projects. Lizzie Rumble Biodiversity Project Coordinator.
This preliminary meeting 13th Feb Dalton and Gayles Village Hall is to give everyone the opportunity to share their views and come together to from a vision and scope for the project. We can then set up a further planning meeting/s so that we can develop a project proposal to apply for funding. Some exciting news is that Holmedale runs alongside a B line (insect highway proposal by buglife). The actual line goes from Richmond over Sturdy House Lane and onto Feldom ranges.
In order to help gain data for project funding we need your help and this is where Citizen Science comes in.
Citizen Science Surveys
What is it?
Us as citizens observing, recording and submitting our findings of the world around us.
Why is it important?
It provides valuable data to help us understand the world around us and how it is changing. It provides a huge amount of data that scientists simply could not collect by themselves.
What are the benefits?
The world- It provides the information we need to create changes at many levels (government to a specific project) to protect our planet.
Us-Firstly a lot of the surveys get us outdoors which is great for our wellbeing and health, secondly we are doing something that is helping others and it is an inclusive activity which has a feel good satisfaction to it.
Upcoming citizen science surveys
CPRE Star Count 17-24th February
More info:
Whashton Parish survey 1 (Sturdy House Lane):
Sunday 12th March @10:00 meeting point: military track/Sturdy House Lane junction. Refreshments provided for volunteers. Please bring something to record your findings on.
The Roger Stott grant for £676 for further biodiversity work at the back of the green and Bobby’s Bank, in the nature recovery areas has now been spent.
Whashton Parish is a picturesque hamlet some three miles northwest of Richmond, situated in an area of outstanding natural beauty in Holmedale. The entrance to the centre of the Village has featured in the original television series of ‘All Creatures Great and Small’. The Parish Meeting Committee, together with a group of enthusiastic residents has undertaken a number of projects to enhance the biodiversity of the Parish. To-date several hundred mixed bulbs have been planted throughout the Village to encourage pollinators, together with fruit trees and shrubs. Recently bird nesting boxes have been located on trees around the Village Green. Sally Zaranko, Clerk to the Parish Meeting, said…… ‘All of this activity will increase the beauty of our Village, which will be enjoyed by both residents and the numerous visitors that walk the many and varied paths through the surrounding delightful countryside, and also help to increase biodiversity and habitat regeneration. We are hoping that this is the start of a bigger Holmedale project to connect the villages with pollinator routes along footpaths in the Dale’. Ian Mains, Chair of the Parish Meeting added… ‘Although we are a small community, we’re conscious of the need to protect our environment for future generations to enjoy…. we are extremely grateful for the generous support provided by Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, through the Roger Stott Community Grants Programme’.
We must also acknowledge the free help advice and support given by Jan Hoyland of Artemesia Gardens Without whom we might not have got so far so fast! Jan is a former National Trust Head Gardener and curator at The Yorkshire Arboretum.
Also, thanks to Tad, John, Ian, Lizzie, Owen for helping to get the plants in this month and for all the bulb planters who put 800 bulbs in before Christmas – fingers crossed the rabbits haven’t eaten them all.
Please send photos of your wildflower seeds as they bloom this year and any bees/pollinators on them so we can put the photos on the website and Whashton Wildlife Facebook page.
The first step to acting against climate change:
And it is so simple…. REDUCE our carbon footprint
● Did you know that reducing your air travel to 1 return flight every 3 years is considered carbon neutral.
● Car journeys - think about sharing your journey with others to the shop and I know it is easier said than done, I have been there where I have forgotten that 1 item in town but plan ahead.
£ spending:
● How much clothing ends up in landfill each year in the UK? £140 million worth according to WRAP. Clothing production has a very high carbon footprint. So the tip is, buy less.
● Food and drink - buy what you need. Choose items that are least processed if you can and with the least amount of packaging. Takeaways and eating out have a higher carbon footprint than meals at home. So again, buy less.
● The main culprit is food waste. I know parents would say “you have to eat all your food there are starving children in the world” but did you know that if we clean our plates at each meal this has a lower carbon footprint than if we put it in the bin.
● And of course, other waste too, whether it goes into household waste or recycling it requires energy/produces carbon so less waste= lower carbon footprint.
There is a small campaign group still trying to put pressure to stop this happening. The deadlines for objections have been extended twice and now it is 31 March 2023. If you haven’t sent an objection yet – there is still time! Please contact Joan Jackson at to lodge any objections /comments. Here is the latest letter from Joan Jackson , planning officer in charge of this case:
Good morning Sally,
Thank you for your email. The 31 March 2023 is and Extension of Time for determination agreed with the Applicant as there are still outstanding issues, this is likely to be extended as it does not look like the issues will be resolved by that date.
In terms of Planning Committee, as you may be aware, on the 1st of April NYCC and the seven District and Borough Councils are joining together to form 1 North Yorkshire Council, and this will involve providing a new constitution which includes the parameters for deciding if a Planning Application will be determined by Committee or under delegated powers. The new constitution has not been finalised yet so until then I cannot confirm whether this will be a committee item or not. If it does go before Committee, it will be a ‘Strategic Committee’ and as far as I am aware it will only meet four times a year.
We are still waiting for some information from the Applicant which will be placed on the Planning Register once received.
In terms of additional responses for Landscape they are waiting for additional information from the Applicant, I am waiting for additional responses from Highways and the PROW and a response from National Highways in relation to access onto the A66.
Sorry I could not give you more positive news regarding progress, but we need to make sure every aspect is properly considered, and this inevitably takes time.
Kind Regards
Joan Jackson
Planning permission passed: Monday 30 January 2023.
An invitation has been extended to David Boulton Planning agent and Sir Josslyn Gore Booth to attend our next meeting to share the next steps with everyone.
Rose Cottage Whashton Update: Awaiting decision
Hedge cutting to the approach to the Village from the crossroads – thanks to Adrian who has kindly done this again this year so we are looking good ready for spring.
Smelt Mill Beck Crossing: as an action from the last Parish meeting, I have contacted the landowners on either side of the stream and NYCC Footpaths officer. Site visits by one of the landowners is taking place week of 30th January 2023. If a positive response in theory to a footbridge comes back from both, I will pursue funding for this. NYCC estimate £100K will be required and I have several sources to approach.
This helps to support both the walking article by John Harris and Lizzies initiative regarding walking wildlife corridors across HolmeDale.
Oak tree –
We have a lovely oak tree to site. There will be a post and notice put on our proposed location on the green. The tree could be thought of as commemoration of the new King/coronation or just as a welcome addition to help with the Biodiversity project across the parish. Please let us know any comments /views before we plant it at the end of the month.
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