To contact us, please use our new email:
Holmedale Nature Network
About us
How it all began...Early in 2023 National Highways approached Whashton Parish regarding a potential biodiversity project, to be funded as compensation for loss of habitat resulting from the A66 improvement works. They were seeking a substantial project. Whashton residents Sally Zaranko and Lizzie Rumble organised a meeting to gauge interest from neighbouring communities. The meeting was attended by about 40 people who generated many ideas for potential project activities. A steering group was formed with representatives from a number of villages. Since then, the steering group continued meeting on a regular basis to build the vision and scope of the project, followed by the establishment of a trustee’s group in spring 2024 with the aim of registering as a new charity. Consultations across our communities have been undertaken over the past 15 months to inform the direction and activities of the organisation. Results of our initial survey are in a pdf below. Data from Newsham, Gilling West and Skeeby will be added in due course.
Who we are... our group has expanded such that we now include all of the parishes from Barningham to Skeeby along a shared watercourse that runs into the Swale. Our contacts in each parish are shown below. Please feel free to approach your Parish representative with matters regarding the project or email holmedalenaturenetwork@gmail.com.
Skeeby: Ian Moreton
Gilling West: Ken Rostron, Stefan Ivanovic
Aske: Kathryn Hall
Whashton: Janet Clipsham, Ian Mains
Ravensworth: Ken Bell, Matthew Usher
Kirby Hill: Ian Marshall
Gayles: Linda Goulbourne
Dalton: Sue Farr
Newsham: Nicky Oakes, Alison Brown, Anne & Edmund Baker
Barningham: Martha McBarron, Suzy Wilson
Our project scope and vision so far....is for a 4-strand programme extending over 5 years, including capital projects for each parish: e.g., natural flood management, new woodland; a farming liaison officer to work with local farmers on medium to long term improvement plans; habitat improvements in our communities: e.g., tree and hedge planting, removal of the invasive non-native species Himalayan Balsam; and activities for individuals: evening talks, training and workshops on topics of interest. Please see the pdf of the project vision presentation given on 20th November 2023 at the residents meeting further down this page. The strategy and forward plans will be reviewed and updated in November 2024.
Thank you to Rob Clipsham, RTS Photography and the team for the photographs.