Hello and welcome to the Spring Newsletter for Whashton Parish. Hopefully you’ll find this latest issue an interesting read, and please do send any feedback on the contents and suggestions for future issues. Despite a wet Winter we all hope that now Spring has arrived we can look forward to warmer and drier weather.
1. 100 Club – Winners to-date in 2024
January: 6 Jenny Bernard, 13 Heather Hutchinson, 63 Jonathan Nesham
February: 7 Tad Zaranko, 4 Len Hutchinson, 47 Lynne Taylor
March: 98 Paul Bernard, 4 Len Hutchinson, 23 Sally Zaranko
April: 68 Sue Brenkley, 44 Janet Clipsham, 30 Sharon Turnbull
Congratulations to the winners and a plea to anyone yet to participate, to contact Richard and join up and help support the Parish funds (rg.osborne777@gmail.com). This would be at a proportionate amount for the remainder of 2024. Thanks as ever to Richard for running the 100 Club.
2. Biodiversity Projects
2.1 Whashton Parish – an update kindly provided by Sally Zaranko & Lizzie Rumble
Spring is here and thanks to the hard work of the bulb planters over the last couple of years the snowdrops and daffodils are looking wonderful .
The primulas, generous donations from Ravensworth Nurseries, have survived the rabbits on the bank and hopefully the fritillaries will have done too. The creeping comfrey (Symphytum grandiflorum)on the bank on the way in has been full of queen bees as it has provided a much-needed source of early nectar as they come out of hibernation. We intend to purchase some more daffodil bulbs in the autumn, at Pat’s request, so we can spread the Spring cheer further around the village. The dogwoods and spindles which didn’t survive the sheep, wind, or rain this year have been replaced, and the rest are all in bud ready to get a good year’s growth going. The bird boxes were cleaned out by Tad and 3 of them had nests in which is great for the first year they were up - so keep an eye on them and share if you see any bird taking up residence. We’re hoping BugLife might be able to help us to get some native wildflower plug plants to increase meadow flowers along the Bee Line – a corridor roughly following the coast to coast. If successful they would go at the back of the green and the two banks at either end of the village.
2.2 Holmedale Nature Network – an update kindly provided by Martha McBarron
Holmedale Community Nature Group now has a new name: Holmedale Nature Network. We believe this better reflects our aim to nurture nature by connecting our communities. In addition to Barningham, Newsham, Dalton, Gayles, Kirby Hill & Whashton, we’re also happy to report that the residents of Gilling West, Hartforth and Sedbury Parish have agreed to become involved in the organisation and are being consulted to obtain their views and concerns. Work on formalising the organisation is progressing and we plan to register as a new charity soon. In the meantime, our monthly talks and events programme continues until June when we will be starting Himalayan Balsam removal sessions on our local watercourses. These will run from June through August. We hope you will be willing to volunteer to help. For further information and updates please visit: Holmedale Community Nature Project | My Site (whashtonparish.co.uk) and don’t forget that we also have a Facebook page…. www.facebook.com/whashtonwildlife ….which is designed to share and appreciate the wonderful diversity of wildlife in our Parish. Further details are also available from Lizzie at wildwhashton@gmail.com
3. Planning Applications
A number of proposed developments in Whashton are at various stages, including Whashton Farmhouse, Whashton Farm Buildings, Rose Cottage and Cherry Tree Cottage. Further information is available on North Yorkshire Council's Planning Portal……. www.northyorks.gov.uk/planning-and-conservation/view-and-comment-planning-applications
Whashton Parish Meeting Committee is seeking to meet with the Planning Department and Highways North Yorkshire to review the Construction Management Plans for the proposed developments to ensure a coordinated approach is in place to minimise disruption.
4. Bridleway
There continues to be problems with the illegal use of the bridleway connecting the road into Whashton with Richmond Road, by quad and scramble bikers. This has been reported to North Yorkshire Council and North Yorkshire Police and signage has been supplied by NYC, and NYP have promised to patrol the area to deter offenders.
5. Social Events
Rob Clipsham & Hazel Leah, together with others, have kindly offered to coordinate the social events in 2024, which we hope you can all attend:
· February 24th – The Safari Supper was thoroughly enjoyed by those taking part with excellent food, drink & convivial conversation. Many thanks to Hazel and Rob for organising this and to Jenny & Alan Cowie who acted as hosts at the end of the evening. Funds raised from the event have been added to the Parish account.
· May 4th – Quiz – STOP PRESS - this will now be deferred until the Autumn – more details to follow.
· July 6th – BBQ – don’t forget to put this date in your diary and more details will follow in due course.
6. Whashton Parish Meeting AGM
This important meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 21st May starting at 19:00h in Dalton & Gayles Village Hall. Please do try and attend this meeting since the agenda will include a detailed financial report, election of officers and your chance to have your say on how the Parish Meeting is run. We still have no Clerk for Whashton Parish Meeting and it is hoped that someone will be willing to take on this very worthwhile role, and come forward at the AGM.
7. York & North Yorkshire Mayoral Election
The first York and North Yorkshire Mayoral Election will take place on Thursday 2nd May. You must be registered to vote in this election by 16th April 2024 and further details can be found at https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/mayoralelection
8. Thanks for Support
There are many residents who contribute to our community, and forgive me if I miss someone, but the following folks should receive our thanks.
Book share in the Phone Box is a great initiative launched by Sue Amery, so please bring along any books you no longer need and borrow a replacement.
Thanks to Alan Fielder who is currently performing the annual internal audit of the Parish accounts, prior to submission to the external Regulatory Authority.
The grass cutting season is upon us once again and many thanks to our band of volunteers including Rob Clipsham, John Moore, Trevor Brown, Jonathan Nesham, Norman Wade & everyone else involved in keeping the Village looking pristine. Many thanks also to Ady Mac for cutting the grass verge and the hedgerow approach into the Village. Not forgetting the great work that Sally, Lizzie, Janet, Tad and others undertake planting the flowers, shrubs and trees across the Parish.
Highways have yet to resolve the frequent flooding which occurs on the approach into Whashton, but thanks to the efforts of Ed Ford, Alan Fielder and others who regularly clear the drains.
The Website is available to all residents on www.whashtonparish.co.uk and we’re very grateful to Rachel Stirr and Sally Zaranko for maintaining this on behalf of the Parish.
Ian Mains
Chair, Whashton Parish Meeting
2nd April 2024
T: 07484-725377