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Whashton Newsletter - September 2021

Whashton Parish Meeting Committee - minutes of the meeting held on 1 September are attached. Any comments or feedback welcome to myself as Clerk or to Ian the Chair.

Our next Parish Meeting will be the AGM – 6th October 7pm Hack and Spade. Please will you let me know if you intend to attend, as we have a limit on numbers. Attendance replies to me by 22nd September. If we get a lot of interest, we will need to incorporate the AGM with the Precept meeting on 1 December at Ravensworth Village Hall. Please find the agenda for the meeting attached.

Village Picnic – It was a lovely occasion and thank you to those residents who braved the August bank holiday weather to come and have a chat and catch-up post Covid restrictions. It was lovely to see everyone and feel a bit more like a community once again. Thank you to those who helped erect and disassemble the ‘village tent’ – which was great fun and showed what can be achieved by excellent teamwork!!

New Website – we have a new website .We hope that it is easy to navigate and that all residents can find their way around the site and it is a one stop shop for information relating to the parish. All newsletters, minutes and updates will be available on there. You will notice the quarterly publication of the newsletters and the 4 meetings per year of the committee which will start in January 2022. It is hoped that all parishioners will be able to access this, but meantime newsletters will be sent via email and the residents who require paper copies will still be accommodated as we have worked hard to make sure everyone is informed of what goes on in the parish.

Whashton Parish - Net Zero Carbon Footprint Project

· 6-10 September is zero Waste week – activities and suggestions can be found on - What happens when you throw something away? Away isn't some magical place; it's landfill, an incinerator, the bottom of the ocean, litter or the stomach of an animal. It's always somewhere else... log on to find out how to reduce waste.

· On 19 August Ian and Sally held a zoom meeting with Simon Kilshaw the Green energy Dr. He has agreed to attend, or send a representative to attend, our AGM on 6th October to discuss how he can help individuals members of the parish who wish to reduce their bills and carbon footprint.

· Excellent information to support becoming Net Zero and information leaflets about saving energy can be found on and we thank the team there for letting us share them with us. Barningham are hosting a COP26 event on Friday 12 November – with all the villages invited – please see their website for details.

Defibrillator Training. DATE for the DIARY – October 14th 2021 at 7pm venue to be confirmed. All those of you who volunteered for this, or anyone else wishing to attend this training, please contact Brian Kay directly to confirm your attendance on

Village improvements.

Volunteers are needed to help John organise the green cutting – please contact John( or pop down to Moss Cottage, if you can help.

· Parking – you will see that there is a new sign on the top road of the green to keep the access clear at all times. We are aware as a committee that parking is a sensitive issue with more cars requiring spaces to park. Please think carefully about where you park so as not to inconvenience other residents. Please be especially careful not to block the access to The Old Smithy, at the top of the village, as Willie is a contractor and needs to be able to bring large tractors and trailers in and out daily and requires a generous turning circle to be able to do this safely.

· I have completed a request for a police review of the speed limits within the parish - we will see what response this provokes.

· I have also enquired as to signage for the village regarding a Please Drive Slowly Sign which has a cost implication for us as a village – this will be discussed on 6th October at the AGM. Likewise, any signage for No Through Road down Hagg Lane.

· Ongoing issues which I am aware of is the white lining of the top road and the water leak –

Just to confirm that now that the recent Highway Maintenance works have been completed, the next time that I am in the area I will inspect the section of road in question with a view to ascertaining where road markings need to be refreshed. An order for the work will then be passed to our road marking contractor.” 5 May 2021

“Incomplete road markings – as you may know we have recently undergone a change in our contractor. Unfortunately, it was not possible to get this lining remedial work completed before the end of the last contract, but the Engineer advises me he will now raise an order with our new contractors for this lining to be completed.” 17 June 2021

“The Highway Officer has raised an order for some drainage investigation to try and ascertain the source of this water. This order has now been passed to our contractors to be programmed according to priority.” 3 August 2021

· Weeders and working parties – there will be periodic calls for help with weeding and further developments of the nature regeneration areas - many hands make light work as the saying goes look out for dates on the new website or via email. This will be especially relevant in the autumn for clearing nettles, moving woodchip and planting trees as part of the Queen’s green canopy project. The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 which invites people from across the United Kingdom to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee.” I have just received notification that our 15 saplings will be delivered between 1 – 12 November. If anyone feels they would like to host a tree in their garden or volunteer to help plant one of our 15 saplings please let me know.

· is another grant we have applied for in relation to development of the back of the green into a woodland margin area with spring bulbs and hedgerow /meadow edge to attract pollinators etc. – We will keep you posted if we are successful.

· Seat to be sited at the bottom of Bobby’s Bank – Trevor and Norman have kindly agreed to construct the base for this.

Quiz nightDalton Village Hall Friday 19th November 7pm. Tickets £5 per person – friends and families welcome. Tickets will be on sale soon – from Committee members and ‘door to door sales’ aka Ian. We will be holding a raffle so any prizes for the raffle gratefully received. On the night, please bring your own alcoholic or not refreshments and nibbles as there will be no bar available.


AGM – 6th October 7pm venue Hack and Spade

Quiz night – Dalton Village Hall Friday 19th November 7pm. Tickets £5 per person – friends and families welcomed -

Precept Meeting - 1st December 7pm venue Ravensworth Village Hall


September 2021

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