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Whashton Newsletter - August 2021

Whashton Parish Meeting Committee - minutes of the meetings held on 2 June and 28 July are attached. Any comments or feedback welcome to myself as Clerk or to Ian the Chair.

Our next committee meeting will be on 1 September 2021 at 4.00pm. If you would like anything to be raised and discussed, please send agenda item to Sally by 25 August – any issues will be reported in the next Newsletter.

The annual internal audit of the Whashton Parish Meeting Accounts for FY 2020/21 was carried out by Alan Fielder, and we thank him for this work. The documentation required by the external auditor has been completed'.

AGM – Date for your Diary 6th October 7.30pm Hack and Spade. Please will you let me know if you intend to attend, as we have a limit on numbers. Attendance replies to me by 22nd September. If we get a lot of interest, we will need to organise an alternative venue.

New Website – we have a new website .We hope that it is easy to navigate and that all residents can find their way around the site, and it is a one stop shop for information relating to the parish. All newsletters, minutes and updates will be available on there. You will notice the quarterly publication of the newsletters and the 4 meetings per year of the committee which will start in January 2022. It is hoped that all parishioners will be able to access this, but meantime newsletters will be sent via email and the residents who require paper copies will still be accommodated as we have worked hard to make sure everyone is informed of what goes on in the parish.

Whashton Parish - Net Zero Carbon Footprint Project

· Ian has been in touch with various organisations to help us to develop this idea further. Both the Green Energy Dr and Citizens Advice offer 1:1 help, advice and support with individual households on how to reduce energy bills and lower the Carbon footprint. Since Covid restrictions have eased somewhat the Energy Dr is able to visit or phone any residents over 65 or suffering fuel poverty to help discuss ways to help. Further details will be provided shortly.

· We have applied for a biodiversity grant via Arcadis which is a company working in partnership with Highways England to mitigate carbon emissions from the new A66 developments. We should hear in September if we have been successful.

· We are also applying for a tree to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee: Celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 by being part of The Queen’s Green Canopy.

· 6-10 September is Zero Waste Week – activities and suggestions can be found on - What happens when you throw something away? Away isn't some magical place; it's landfill, an incinerator, the bottom of the ocean, litter or the stomach of an animal. It's always somewhere else... log on to find out how to reduce waste.

Defibrillator Training. DATE for the DIARY – October 14th 2021 at 7pm venue to be confirmed. All those of you who volunteered for this, or anyone else wishing to attend this training, please contact Brian Kay directly to confirm your attendance on

Village improvements.

· The area of the Village Green that was left long as per YDMT and Plant Life recommendations was mown mid-July with all clippings removed. This was achieved in Mid-July with the help of Malcolm Tennant, Christine & Johnathan Nesham, Trevor & Theresa Brown and John Moore.

· People able to mow the large area of the green to be approached by WPM for availability and costs involved as larger machinery required for this – this will be discussed at the AGM in October.

· Thank you to Sue Amery for a donation of a buddleia to attract butterflies and pollinators which will be sited in one of the nature recovery areas.

· A donation of two lawnmowers was kindly given by Janet Warrior’s daughter, and a letter of thanks has been issued.

These bring our total number of mowers to 6 and 1 strimmer.

Volunteers are needed to help John organise the green cutting – please contact John( or pop down to Moss Cottage, if you are able to help.

· Weeders and working parties – there will be periodic calls for help with weeding and further developments of the nature regeneration areas - many hands make light work as the saying goes. Look out for dates on the new website or via email.


Summer PICNIC on the green August bank holiday Sunday 3.00pm. (Sunday 29thAugust)

AGM – 6th October 7.30pm in the Hack & Spade – need to register with Sally by 22nd September since numbers are limited.

Quiz night – Dalton Village Hall Friday 19th November 7pm . Tickets & details soon.

Precept Meeting - 1st December 7pm venue tbc

3rd August 2021

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