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Whashton Parish Newsletter – Winter February 2022

Whashton Parish Meeting Committee, albeit belated, wish you all a very Happy New Year

Please read the following carefully as it contains some important information for the Parish.

Financial position – quick summary:

The net profit of the inaugural 100 Club (£536) will be sufficient to meet the budgeted costs in 2022/23 of the 'must do' items (e.g. insurance ,website, venue hire) whilst the c/fwd balance (£363) will help meet any unanticipated costs (e.g. extra meeting to consider major planning app .To maintain this approach the 100 Club will need to be repeated in January 2023 with a similar level of take up (i.e. 57 out of 100 balls).

The various contributions made for the purposes of maintaining/improving The Green will be earmarked for that purpose and expenditure recorded accordingly. No funds raised via the 100 Club will be used to maintain The Green (£160)

Total to date in the bank are £1140.

100 Club update:

We still have some numbers available for purchase

Anyone interested in purchasing a number for the monthly 100 club draw can do so by contacting:

Richard Osborne (

Sally Zaranko (

2022 winners of 100 club:

January draw: Robbie MacDonald , Pam Braithwaite, Paul Bernard

February Draw: Jane Connors, Graham & Hazel Dickinson, Hazel Leah

IMPORTANT EXTRAORDINARY MEETING TO DISCUSS PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF WHASHTON FARM: WEDS 16TH FEBRUARY AT 7.00PM RAVENSWORTH VILLAGE HALL. Please make sure you have accessed the online information from the planning office (details attached to this newsletter) – before the meeting. We will be putting a parish response back to planning but this is not stopping individuals making personal representation.

Road Safety:

You are more likely to be seriously injured or killed on rural roads than urban roads. An initiative supported by 45 councils in North Yorkshire, termed ‘20’s Plenty’ was discussed at the Parish Meeting on 5th January and a vote taken on whether Whashton Parish Meeting should support this. The meeting fully supported this motion to reduce the speed within the village.

Below is the feedback from the January meeting of NYCC where the 20’s plenty campaign was discussed:

We hope you can join our next 20s Plenty County meeting on Thursday 10th February 2021 at 7.30pm using this link:

Anyone interested in knowing more please see the following website:

I would appreciate someone who feels strongly about this to take the lead to support this - please let me know if that person is you!

New Website:

We have a new website We hope that it is easy to navigate and that all residents can find their way around the site, and it is a one stop shop for information relating to the Parish. All newsletters, minutes and updates will be available on there from Jan 2022. You will notice the quarterly publication of the newsletters and the 4 meetings per year of the committee which will start in January 2022.

Meeting dates; Wednesdays at 7.00pm Ravensworth Village hall

Q1. January - 5th January - minutes circulated and on website

Q2. April AGM – election of key officers – 6th April

Q3. July AGAR – 6th July

Q4. October PRECEPT – 5th October

Newsletters to be released quarterly to include minutes;

Q1 Feb – Winter

Q2 May – Spring

Q3 August -Summer

Q4 November – Autumn

Whashton Parish - Net Zero Carbon Footprint Project: here are the links to our own Climate change action page and also that of Richmondshire council and Green energy Dr with useful links for those of you interested.

Whashton Womens Walking Group:

Ref: Whashton’s Wandering Wenches - the photo shows members of the last walking group: Sue Stanwix, Sue Amery, Mandy Blenkiron, Jenny Bernard, Jane Connors looking lovely in Keswick.

In the past there was an active ladies’ walking group in the village that met approx. once a month to walk, chat and generally have a giggle away from work, kids, housework, grass cutting (!) and the rest of the daily nonsense. Walks were local, but we occasionally threw in a more distant one in the Dales and once even had a fantastic weekend away in the Lake District.

I thought it might be an idea to have a go at resurrecting this and suggest a first walk on Saturday 12th February. We seem to have everyone from the unfit to the very athletic, so I thought a steady stroll up Sturdy Lane then follow the footpath from near Richie’s back down to Kirby Hill and then the footpath/road from there to Whashton.

Meet at 10am on Saturday 12th Feb outside the Hack and Spade. Hope to see you all there!


Whashton Wildlife updates:

Thanks to Rob Clipsham for this lovely Robin photo which does remind us it is in fact winter and not spring just yet, and to Ian Mains for his Little Owl. However, The Great Spotted woodpeckers have been drumming already and certain birds have begun to start to sing, the Coal Tits and, Chaffinches, Robins and Great Tits are now quite vocal and the blackbirds have been starting to scrap over their territories.

Bulbs seem to be peeping up and the snowdrops are breaking buds at the back of the green and beginning to show that the earth is stirring and warming.

Village improvements:

Bulbs update – The Whashton Parish Meeting Committee want to publicly thank Ravensworth Nurseries for again supporting this village – this time with a generous donation of bulbs: narcissus, iris and tulips. With the help of Janet Clipsham, we have managed to get the narcissus, iris and tulips all planted on the banks into the village and along the green itself. We might be a bit late this year for a good show of colour being thwarted by bad weather but hopefully they will grow and produce a great show in a year’s time.

Tree Whips have arrived – the small tree whips have now all been planted and thanks to a generous donation from Theresa Brown several have been circled with bluebell bulbs to help naturalise the woodland area at the back of the green.

Thank you to Christine Taylor for the donation of woodchip and Grahame Dickinson for the use if his tractor and time. Thanks to John, Hazel and Tad who added to the muscle power to shift three trailer loads. Here is a picture of Ian , John and Tad (aka the ‘lads’ ) in action!

If anyone else in the parish has land that they are interested in putting trees on or hedgerows that need some additional planting, please let me know as I might be able to apply for some more stock ready for autumn planting.

Flower meadow seed trial on The Green /woodland edge at back of the green

We have been given some wildflower seeds which have been planted as was suggested at the edge of the wooded area to the back of the green. How successful they will be remains to be seen but we can but try.

Thanks also to Kathryn Guy for donating two shrubs from her garden which have helped regenerate the area at the bottom of Bobby’s Bank.

We must also acknowledge the generous donation to support the upkeep of the green from Dr Pat Belshaw, the donation of wild garlic seeds from John Moore and shrubs and trees from Sally and Tad.

Thanks to Sue for taking charge of the anti-Rabbit and Mole initiative which appears to have been very effective …. but if anyone ‘borrowed’ two of Sues mole traps, please can they return them – otherwise we will have to replace them from village funds.

A big thanks to Jonathan Nesham and Trevor Brown for servicing the mowers ready for the coming year.

Some of you will remember the on-going saga of the Whashton Water leak of last year – well fortunately after persistent pressure from Ian Mains, Yorkshire Water have reflected and donated £45 to the village for the inconvenience caused over several months. This is now in the village green funds set aside for some specific purpose.

Whashton History; a taster for what will be on the website…..

1154 is earliest record of a place called Whasingatun – developing up to 16th Century into Whasheton. The earliest record of the village’s name appears to have been 1154 when it was known as Whasingatun. This evolved through Whassingetun to Wassington by 1208. By the end of that century, it had become Quasshyngton or Quassingheton and by the 16th and 17th centuries it had become the more recognisable name of Whasheton.

“It is believed that the name derived from the Angles who originated in Schleswig-Holstein and who started coming to Britain after the departure of the Romans in the 5th century. The name probably derives from the Angle term for a hamlet (tun-ton) of the people (-ing) of Hwassa.

“It is recorded that Akery Fitz Bardolf gave the manor of Whashton to his son Bonde fil Ajery, alias Bonde de Wassington or Bonde de Ravensworth in 1156. At one time in the 13th century half the manor was held by Henry Fitz Ranulf and the other by his under-lord, Robert, son and heir of Eudo de Wassington, a descendant of Bonde. However, on the death of Robert in 1286 without an heir the two halves were reunited, since when they have followed the descent of the manor of Ravensworth.

The family of Tailbois possessed considerable property at Whashton. Buried. Johannes Talboys de Whashton, 11 May, 1600. Richardus Talboyes de Whashton, 1 June, 1606.

Whashton Grange – eighteenth century was built on the site of a toft and croft which was given to Marrick Priory in 1270 along with 60 acres of land.

In 1764 Elizabeth Byerley bequeathed Whashton (as one of 5 manors) to her 5 cousins

Did you know that we are lucky enough to have 3, Grade 2 listed buildings within the parish; Whashton farmhouse, C17th Whashton Lodge C18th and the Old Smithy C18th.

Whashton farmhouse was built in the early years of the 1700’s or perhaps even earlier – two reports show different dates, and had a Georgian extension added alter. A George Henry Harrison was born in Whashton Farm 14th July 1817. He went on to be known as General George Henry de Strabolgie Neville-Plantagenet-Harrison. George – Henry’s father, was called Marley Harrison and he moved to Whashton in 1806 to marry a young lady from Newsham, by the name of Margaret Hutchinson. Marley died in 1822 by falling from his horse near Gingerfield. At the time that Marley and Margaret lived at Whashton Farm as tenants, it was owned by Dr Hutchinson – I am uncertain if this was Margaret’s father. In 1814 the Whashton estate was purchased by Sheldon Craddock of Hartforth on the death of Dr Hutchinson. George – Henry – an eccentric character wrote an extensive folio volume “ History of Yorkshire ( Wapentake of Gilling West), Publisher: London Hazell Watson & Viney Ltd, Publication Date: 1885 Binding: Hardcover – which has been criticised for its accuracy – however it does remain a monument to painstaking research.

George Henry Harrison, or George Henry of Strabolgie Neville Plantagenet-Harrison as he liked to call himself, passed away on July 2, 1890 in London in apparent poverty.

Thanks, must be expressed to Sir Josslyn Gore-Booth for the kind sharing of a document which relates all this information.

Call for parishioners/interested historians - if you have any information/photographs which I can include in my Whashton Historical gatherings for future newsletters/the website please let me know. It is my intention to develop a local history page of the website over the coming months.

Avian Flu Updates – this is still an ongoing concern and several households with poultry have been visited by the NYCC enforcement officer and /or a vet appointed by DEFRA. As far as I know, everyone within the parish has complied to the regulations stated and we were congratulated on being so proactive to stop its spread. I will keep you up to date with any future developments as I receive them.

To receive up to date information about this you can subscribe to APHA’s free Disease alerts at:

Janet Warrior memorial: We received this via Sue from Isobel – Janet’s daughter

“Thank you for your email, we are all well and coping as best we can. We would love for a plaque to be placed on the bench and I shall arrange for this to be engraved for mum. I have also planted 100 daffodil bulbs around the bench as I felt we could do with a bit colour up at the top of the green. Rupert is settling in well and his grieving is easing. I would like to thank you and the village again for being so understanding and if there is anything else that the village would like planted on the green i.e. a cherry tree or an apple tree please let me know.” We have decided on an apple tree and for it to go at the base of Bobbys Bank near where the bench will be repositioned to welcome people into the village.

Quiz night - postponement – to be reviewed in 2022

Social events in general – call for ideas as we are now responsible as a Parish for raising our own funds if anyone has any Covid appropriate (as I don’t think this is going away any time soon) suggestions of further fund-raising events or activities please let any member of the committee know and we will then circulate ideas in newsletters and online.

QUEENS JUBILEE TEA PARTY – Saturday 4th June 3pm - more details to follow.

DATE for YOUR DAIRY: the next meeting will be on 6th April 2022 at Ravensworth Village Hall at 7pm and this meeting will include a presentation of a revised budget and financial position and the election of officers, anyone wishing to stand for election please let Sally know.

And finally…Anyone interested in gentle yoga – there is a class on a Tuesday morning 9.30 – 10.30, Blue Bee yoga, at Ravensworth Village Hall. Contact Deborah on 07850447092 for details

01748 824185 house phone with answer machine

07754436927 - mobile

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